by wcadmin | Dec 18, 2011 | Uncategorized
“Guest poster”…? Me? Really? You… you want me to write… in here?But – but people actually read this blog! I’m not used to anyone reading my blog! I can’t handle this level of responsibility! Now I have to be...
by wcadmin | Dec 16, 2011 |, snow sculptures
by wcadmin | Dec 15, 2011 | Irish American Heritage Center, matthew miller, Seanachai Theatre Company, Shanghai Low Theatricals, Steve Pickering
Our good buddies over at Seanachai’ are closing a spooky yarn this weekend. You should see it and then have a beer in the awesome pub at the Irish American Heritage Center.ST. NICHOLASBy Conor McPhersonDirected by Matthew Miller Performed by veteran actor Steve...
by wcadmin | Dec 11, 2011 | Cthulhu, greeting cards, Repeal Day, WildClaw Theatre
If you’re like me, you might go crazy this time of year remembering which of your friends you should wish a “Merry Christmas,” and which get “Happy Hanukkah,” and is it Merry Kwanzaa or Happy Kwanzaa? Now that Repeal Day 2011 is over,...
by wcadmin | Dec 9, 2011 | Doug Jones, Guillermo del Toro, Pan's Labyrinth, Studies in Scary
Scooty B and I took in 2006’s Pan’s Labyrinth, written and directed by Guillermo del Toro, a little while back. As usual, Scott had already seen it and I was a viewing virgin. I remember seeing the previews for Pan’s thinking, “Wow, that looks...