by wcadmin | Jun 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
Today is the day folks.Today is the day that the corner of Belmont and Broadway changes for the better.Today is the official opening of our very good friends, DryHop Brewers.Congratulations to Greg, Brant and Pete. I will see you tonight. I am particularly fond of...
by wcadmin | Jun 11, 2013 | Athenaeum Theatre, casey cunningham, Facing Angela, kickstarter, Scott T. Barsotti, The Ruckus
WildClaw’s literary monster is at it again. Scott T. Barsotti’s newest play, FACING ANGELA, opens later this month at the Athenaeum Theatre. The play, featuring WildClaw company member Casey Cunningham, just launched a Kickstarter campaign aimed at...
by wcadmin | Jun 6, 2013 | H. P. Lovecraft, Horror for Kids, Kenneth Hite, Mini Mythos, Wildclaw Junior
Babies…stupid adorable disgusting babies…….we at WildClaw are getting to the age were all of our friends are having little squirmers of their own. So you have to go to a billion baby showers and eat chicken salad and drink mimosas. Yum. But what...
by wcadmin | Jun 5, 2013 | H. P. Lovecraft, Hijinks Ensue, Tumblr, Yahoo don’t feel bad if you don’t understand why this is funny. hell, you should probably feel good about yourself for not concerning yourself with interwebby should be concerned about the Elder...