We are pleased to be returning to C2E2 Chicago Comic Convention for the third time to drop some wisdom on you.  This time we will be talking about horror and comedy.  Should be an interesting discussion!


Title: Bloody Good Fun: Exploring Comedy Within the Horror Genre
Date: 4/26/2014
Time: 1:30 PM — 2:30 PM
Location: S401AB


Speakers: Aly Amidei, Matt Engle, Scott T. Barsotti, Ele Matelan, Josh Zagoren, Brian Amidei
Description: Horror and comedy are weird sisters: incisive at their best, groan-inducing at the worst, and tireless in their pursuit of THE BIG REACTION. This panel, hosted by horror experts WildClaw Theatre, peers into how the two genres use similar tactics to get a rise out of audiences.