Lindsey might have one of the hardest jobs on this production – staying behind the scenes to ensure that it all goes smoothly. She is responsible for just about everything, from keeping the blood from getting on anything that is dry-clean only, to playing sound cues at just the right time, to making sure the actors don’t accidentally get possessed by a demon during a pre-show ritual…

Do you consider yourself a horror fan? What is your favorite genre of horror?
I actually don’t really like horror; I’m okay with campy horror or old horror, like Frankenstein, but I can’t handle it if it’s too scary or realistic. I get too stressed and anxious watching scary and/ or horrible things happen to people.

What was the first time you encountered horror in entertainment? Was it a book, a movie, a play or something else?
I saw IT when I was probably about 6; I’ve never been able to watch the whole thing, to this day the farthest I’ve gotten is when they go into the sewer tunnel. Then, I when I was about 9 or 10 I watched Leprechaun at a sleep over; this is most likely the reason I don’t like to watch horror.

What is the main challenge to stage managing a production in this genre? Have you done any horror before, or is this your first time? What is your favorite part about working on a horror piece?
I’ve worked with WildClaw on Shadow Over Innsmouth, that was more suspense and low on the gore-spectrum so it was pretty typical for me. The main challenge for this genre, for me, is tracking where the effects go and how they work. I don’t mean when in the script they happen, but trying to anticipate what the blood, goo, fluid, etc will actually land on and preparing for that. If there’s a delicate costume piece being used is it in the same scene as the blood? Is there a way to keep them away from each other? If there’s a possibility of hitting an audience member with bodily fluids I want to make sure I know about that in advance. Also, having back up plans in case an effect doesn’t fire correctly.

My favorite part of working on horror is the above; that I get to help figure all that out and then watch it get executed. The bonus of stage managing is you’re often the first person who hears the audiences responses and with horror those responses are often very visceral and full of awe.

How have motels played a role in your life?
Motels have always been these seedy places to me. I’ve never stayed in one, or had to; but my dad used to work near a really dilapidated motel off Lawrence and Lincoln (it’s a park now) with hookers out front and all these skeezy looking guys out front. Though I do love the Heart of Chicago Motel because it has a great neon sign.

What is the one thing that scares you the most?
Any spider bigger than a daddy-long-legs and/or that is hairy. Seriously keep them the hell away from me. Also, disappointing people.


Motel 666 is OPEN and runs through June 28 – get tickets here! Performances will be held at the DCASE Storefront Theatre, 66 E. Randolph Street, with shows ThursdaySaturday at 7:30pm and Sundays at 2:00pm.