The world has lost a legend in the true sense today with the passing of American author and screenwriter, Richard Matheson. Based on what I was reading from other friends about Richard’s passing and the significance of his work, I was initially a bit ashamed when I thought about how little I thought I knew about him as a writer/author. However, that all changed when I peeked at his wikipedia page and I was taken aback at how much his work has been a huge part of my life — not just with the classics like I am Omega, The Last Man on Earth, The Incredible Shrinking Man, The Legend of Hell House, Trilogy of Terror, but with more recent fun, scares and schlock like Jaws 3-D, Stir of Echoes, and Real Steel.
Thanks to my mother, I grew up on horror and sci-fi, mostly film and television (as I was never really too keen on reading), and I have always enjoyed being swept up in these fantasy worlds and stories that have been unfolding before me. Sadly, I am realizing, that I have never paid much attention to the people behind the stories. In more recent years, I believe age and experience have begun to open my eyes to the masters behind the magic. My involvement in independent film and theatre production, as well as surrounding myself with more creative types, has taught me to truly appreciate the the creators as well as the creations. So to you, Mr. Matheson, thanks again for opening my eyes as a child and filling my world with wonder and creeping me out, thank you for inspiring others with your work, and thank you for reminding me that the magic needs to start somewhere, and without it, my life would be pretty damned boring.