by matelan | Nov 18, 2013 | A Lonely Place to Die, acting, apocalypse plan, bloody axe, Brains, Chicago Zombie, Chris Hainsworth, Christopher M. Walsh, city of the walking dead, Comedy/Horror, cool kids, dead, Deathscribe, DEATHSCRIBE 2013, edgar allan poe, fast or slow zombie debate, George A. Romero, horror scores, horror songs, horror soundtracks, HP Lovecraft, my bloody valentine, Night of the Living Dead, Orson Welles, podcast, radio play, The Revenants, twilight zone, war of the worlds, wildclaw, World War Z, Zombie, zombie apocalypse, Zombie Outbreak, zombie survival plan. ZombieSurvivalWiki, Zombies
Today, we’re receiving a very special broadcast from Jeffrey Gardner, director of “Record/Record,” by Mark Harrison. Jeffrey is the Director/Executive Producer of Our Fair City, a Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Radio Epic…for the internet. By...
by wcadmin | May 29, 2012 | apocalypse plan, horror in the news, New Jersey, zombie apocalypse
Not to make light of real life tragedies…but just when you think Hollywood has gone too far with violence and gore…someone does this:Miami Cop shoots kills naked man eating victim’s faceand also this:Hackensack man stabs self throws intenstines at...