Motel 666 Spotlight Interview: Actor Nick Freed

Nick is new to both WildClaw and to horror theatre, though he is definitely a horror fan. One thing I can say for Nick is that he really puts all of himself into this show…. or at least, significant pieces of himself… You can see him in Hanger On, The...

Motel 666 Spotlight Interview: Maura Kidwell

Maura Kidwell returns to us this weekend for the final four performances of Motel 666! You can catch her on either end of intermission in Hanger On and The Bridal Suite. Do you consider yourself a horror fan? What is your favorite genre of horror? I’m not a fan...

Motel 666 Spotlight Interview: Actor Tony St. Clair

As a special treat for opening night, Tony St. Clair, Motel 666’s story-collecting Clerk, shares some of his unique experiences with motels and horror, with a bit of humor thrown in to keep you on your toes. How have motels played a role in your life? I have a...