by matelan | Oct 31, 2014 | apocalypse plan, chicago, Deathscribe, Kevin Theis, plague, Please Stand By, radio play
Today we’re channeling the spirit of Kevin Theis, director of Steve Baldwin’s “Please Stand By.” In addition to returning for the THIRD TIME as a Deathscribe Director, directing Lifeline’s runaway hit production of “Monstrous Regiment”...
by matelan | Oct 28, 2014 | chicago, Deathscribe, radio play, Storytelling is in our Blood
Welcome to our first spotlight interview with the braiiiiiiiiins behind Deathscribe 2014! For the next five weeks, we’ll be showcasing the writers and directors dedicated to delivering our newest crop of audio traumas on December 1st at the beautiful Mayne Stage...
by wcadmin | Oct 10, 2014 | Deathscribe, radio play
For those of us who are of Clavian descent, there is little in this world that makes us smile on a consistent basis. Our hearts are full of soot and bile, our blood like vinegar, our minds a yawning trenchlike abyss, our souls…pfft…*snicker*…souls....
by matelan | Aug 25, 2014 | Chicago Fringe Festival, Deathscribe, DEATHSCRIBE 2013, foley, Murder, NPR, Our Fair City, podcast, radio play
All of the good little boils and ghouls in WildClaw are hard at work reading this year’s treasure trove of submissions for Deathscribe 2014. Rest assured, there are vampires, there are sea monsters, there are serial killers, and a couple more that…well,...
by wcadmin | Apr 1, 2014 | Deathscribe
Submissions for DEATHSCRIBE 2014, the 7th Annual Festival of Horror Radio Plays, are now OPEN. See the DEATHSCRIBE page for submission info and guidelines, and start jotting down those nightmares,...