In a few short weeks, WildClaw once again descends upon the theatre at 3031 to present you, yes you, with the horror you so crave these summer nights. After the success of last year’s WildClaw in the Wild, we had no choice but to bring this unique series back for another round. No, seriously, there were flaming hot pokers and steaming acid baths involved, and much gnashing of horrible little teeth. That’s the Daemon’s way of asking nicely.
We kick things off for 2014 with Ian McDonald’s play “The Boy Who Lived Forever.” Directed by Mary Rose o’Connor.
THE BOY WHO LIVED FOREVER (and the woman who didn’t)
by Ian MacAllister-McDonald
Directed by Mary Rose O’Connor
Sunday, June 29, 2014
3031 (3031 N Honore, Chicago)
Doors open at 5:30pm
$5 suggested donation
When a ten year old boy discovers the body of a dead woman hanging in the woods behind his house, an ancient evil is set loose upon him and his friends. THE BOY WHO LIVED FOREVER (And The Woman Who Didn’t) is a play about the world of children: a world where ignorance fuels creativity as well as cruelty, and where curiosity can reveal equal parts wonder and danger; where evil still has its roots in monsters, and not in men.